The shape and orientation of the eye brows shape our appearance to a very large extent. Hanging brows can signify exhaustion and depression, and they are also one of the most common signs of aging.
Importance of Eye Brow Alignment
Brows must be examined individually, as well as in coordination with the shape of the face, before being aligned. Well-aligned brows help, not only to add youth and beauty to one's appearance but to the expression as well.
Type of Hanging Eyebrows
Brow hanging occurs in two forms:
Irrespective of the reason, eyebrow lift procedures can help correct both conditions.
Eye Brow Lift Procedure
Eye Brow lifting can be either surgical or non-surgical.
Non-Surgical Technique
The most straightforward non-surgical approach is the use of botulinum injections, which are effective for about four months and must be repeated.
Surgical Techniques
Permanent Eye brow lifting can be obtained surgically and is sometimes performed in conjunction with the eyelid lift. The procedure involves making an incision in the temple area and fixing the hanging portion of the eyebrow to a more stable part of the face. The technique works only on the hanging portion of the eyebrow.
Surgery involving an incision through the forehead hairline can be performed to lift the entire brow. This can also be done endoscopically. The process lifts the entire brow and is more permanent.